Cloud computing has become a game-changer for businesses by providing them with next-level flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Though the above benefits are gained, vast security challenges remain to overcome. The architecture of a cloud network is complex and must be well-planned, governed, and managed to protect sensitive data by stringent industry regulations. This post digs into the various security concerns in cloud network architecture and provides an overview of how these challenges are addressed through tools, etc. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Sentence Fragment: “Though the above benefits are gained vast security challenges remain to overcome.” 
  • Suggestion: “Although these benefits are substantial, significant security challenges remain.” 
  • Run-on Sentence: “The architecture of a cloud network is complex and must be well-planned governed and managed to protect sensitive data by stringent industry regulations.” 
  • Suggestion: “The architecture of a cloud network is complex; it must be carefully planned, governed, and managed to protect sensitive data in compliance with stringent industry regulations.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive: “must be well-planned, governed and managed.” 
  • Correction to Active Voice: “Organizations must carefully plan, govern, and manage the architecture of their cloud networks.” 
  • Suggestion: Use active language throughout. “This post explores” instead of “This post digs into” for a more professional tone. 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Various” is overused. 
  • Correction: Replace “various security concerns” with “a range of security concerns.” 
  1. Additional Examples: 
  • Fragment Example: “This post digs into the various security concerns…” 
  • Suggestion: “This article explores a range of security concerns within cloud network architecture and discusses how these challenges are addressed using various tools and techniques.” 

How Does the Cloud Network Work? 

Cloud network architecture: Design and implement a network infrastructure within a cloud environment. This infrastructure consists of various cloud-based stuff like virtual networks, subnets, firewalls, load balancers, and other sectors in which the services are delivered on Cloud platforms.  

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Incomplete Sentence: “Cloud network architecture: Design and implement a network infrastructure within a cloud environment.” 
  • Suggestion: “Cloud network architecture involves designing and implementing a network infrastructure within a cloud environment.” 
  • Unclear Phrasing: “This infrastructure consists of various cloud-based stuff like virtual networks subnets firewalls load balancers and other sectors…” 
  • Suggestion: “This infrastructure includes components such as virtual networks, subnets, firewalls, load balancers, and other elements essential for service delivery on cloud platforms.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Voice Example: “This infrastructure consists of…” 
  • Suggestion: “This infrastructure includes…” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: The word “various” is used redundantly. 
  • Suggestion: Replace “various cloud-based stuff” with “a range of cloud-based components.” 
  1. Additional Examples for Improvement: 
  • Fragment Example: “Design and implement a network infrastructure within a cloud environment.” 
  • Suggestion: “The process of designing and implementing a network infrastructure within a cloud environment involves several key components and considerations.” 

Types of Cloud Network Architecture: 

Public Cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud): Services are provided to you via the Internet by a third party. 

Private Cloud: These are individual environments that exist either on-premises or within the four walls of a third-party data center. 

Hybrid Cloud: This infrastructure-as-a-service platform allows data to move from one cloud service to another. The mixing enables applications and workloads with shared and private resources. 
Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Simplification Maybe Needed: “Services are provided to you via the Internet by a third party.” 
  • Suggestion: “Public Cloud (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud): Services are provided over the Internet by third-party vendors.” 
  • Clarification Needed: “Private Cloud: These are individual environments that exist either on-premises or within the four walls of a third-party data center.” 
  • Suggestion: “Private Cloud: A dedicated cloud environment for a single organization, existing either on-premises or within a third-party data center.” 
  • Redundant Phrasing: “The mixing enables applications and workloads with shared and private resources.” 
  • Suggestion: “Hybrid Cloud: This model enables the movement of data and applications between private and public clouds, optimizing resource use.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Example: “Services are provided to you via the Internet by a third party.” 
  • Suggestion: “Third-party vendors provide services over the Internet.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Allows” is overused. 
  • Suggestion: Replace with “enables” or “facilitates” for variety. Example: “The hybrid model facilitates data mobility between clouds.” 
  1. Additional Examples for Improvement: 
  • Fragment Example: “The mixing enables applications and workloads with shared and private resources.” 
  • Suggestion: “The hybrid model enables a seamless integration of applications and workloads across both shared and private cloud resources.” 

Five deals with Security aspects when it comes to cloud network architecture. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Language: “Five deals with Security aspects when it comes to cloud network architecture.” 
  • Suggestion: “There are five key security aspects to consider in cloud network architecture.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Construction: “Five deals with Security aspects…” 
  • Suggestion: “This section outlines five key security aspects.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Aspects” could be replaced for diversity. 
  • Suggestion: Use “considerations” or “factors.” Example: “Five critical considerations for cloud network security.” 
  • Correction: “Key Security Considerations for Cloud Network Architecture.” 
  1. Additional Examples 
  • Fragment Example: “Five deals with Security aspects when it comes to cloud network architecture.” 
  • Suggestion: “This section addresses five crucial factors for securing cloud network architecture.” 

1. Data Protection 

The importance of our data in the cloud: In all cloud scenarios, protecting information at rest and while moving is crucial. Encryption is one of the fundamental mechanisms that helps lock your data. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Sentence Structure: “The importance of our data in the cloud: In all cloud scenarios protecting information at rest and while moving is crucial.” 
  • Suggestion: “Data protection is vital in all cloud scenarios, whether at rest or in transit. Encryption is a fundamental mechanism for safeguarding data.” 
  • Redundant Phrasing: “helps lock your data.” 
  • Suggestion: “ensures data security.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Example: “protecting information at rest and while moving is crucial.” 
  • Suggestion: “It is crucial to protect information both at rest and during transmission.” 

Overuse of Words: 

    Correction: Use “essential” or “vital” for variety. 

    Example: “It is essential to protect information both at rest and during transmission.” 

Additional Example: 

    Fragment Example: “Encryption is one of the fundamental mechanisms that helps lock your data.” 

    Suggestion: “Encryption is a fundamental mechanism that secures data by converting it into a coded format, making it inaccessible without the correct decryption key.” 

Encryption during transit: Data that is transmitted between cloud resources and users or involving different solutions within the cloud must be using secure security encryption protocols such as PSK (Pre-Shared Key) and TLS ((Transport Layer Security). This way, the data is still not definitive, and an unauthorized party cannot read it. 

Encrypt data at rest: Data stored in the cloud should be encrypted with robust encryption algorithms. This way, even if the storage media is stolen, the data can only be accessed using this key. 

2. IAM (User Management) 

IAM also delimits the resources in the cloud that they can access by enforcing controls, and it explicitly denies operation on this resource, which helps both works together. Effective IAM involves: 

User Authentication: To enhance another layer of security, verify that users are who they say they are by using multi-factor authentication (MFA). 

Role-Based Access Control: The least privilege gives users only the access they need to do their jobs, and permission is granted through user roles. 

Federated Identity Management: Enables users to federate into existing identity provider systems (e.g., Active Directory; SAML). Organizations benefit from centralized user access control while avoiding having duplicate credentials maintained by each institution host and a step up in security posture. 

3. Network Security 

Cloud Network Security: This involves the security of network infrastructure and data associated across different regions. 

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): Creating isolated networks within the public cloud to separate and protect resources. 

Security Groups and Network ACLs: These act as virtual firewalls for governing inbound and outbound traffic to cloud resources. Security groups are tied to instances, whereas network ACLs protect subnets. 

Examples include Firewalls and Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS). They are used to monitor and filter network traffic for catching activities. 

4. Incident Response and Threat Detection 

Minimize the damage of a security breach with proactive threat detection and efficient incident response. 

SIEM-Security Information & Event Management: gathers and analyzes security data from different sources in real-time to identify threat detection. Real-time monitoring and alerting are possible with SIEM systems. 

Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB): serve as an intermediary between cloud service consumers and providers to enforce security policies over shared data within richly integrated services. 

Automated Response Actions: Easy set up to automatically respond to incidents by automating response, such as blocking the server for compromised instances or revoking access privileges. 
Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Thought: The sentence lacks a full explanation of how to minimize the damage. 
  • Suggestion: “To minimize the damage of a security breach, organizations must implement proactive threat detection measures and develop efficient incident response strategies.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Construction: “Minimize the damage of a security breach with proactive threat detection and efficient incident response.” 
  • Suggestion: “Organizations can minimize the damage of a security breach by proactively detecting threats and responding efficiently to incidents.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Overused Word: “Efficient” is used multiple times. 
  • Suggestion: Use “effective,” “swift,” or “timely” for variation. 
  • Example: “Proactively detecting threats and executing a swift incident response.” 
  1. Additional Examples: 
  • Fragment Example: “Minimize the damage of a security breach with proactive threat detection and efficient incident response.” 
  • Correction: “To effectively minimize the damage of a security breach, organizations should employ proactive threat detection tools and establish comprehensive incident response plans.” 

5. Compliance and Governance 

The cloud network architecture of an organization must comply with appropriate regulations and standards, such as: 

Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to industry-specific regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS) dictates how data should be handled and protected. 

Security Frameworks: Implementing frameworks like NIST, ISO 27001, or CIS Controls to establish robust security practices and policies. 

Audit and Reporting: Regularly auditing cloud environments to ensure compliance and generate reports for regulatory bodies and stakeholders. 
Suggested Changes: 

  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Construction: “An organization’s cloud network architecture must comply with appropriate regulations.” 
  • Suggestion: “Organizations must ensure their cloud network architecture complies with relevant regulations.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Compliance” is repeated frequently. 
  • Suggestion: Use “adherence,” “conformance,” or “alignment” for variety. 
  • Example: “Ensuring adherence to industry-specific regulations.” 
  1. Additional Examples 
  • Fragment Example: “Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to industry-specific regulations (e.g. GDPR HIPAA PCI-DSS) dictates how data should be handled and protected.” 
  • Suggestion: “Regulatory Compliance involves adhering to industry-specific regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS, which dictate standards for data handling and protection.” 

Securing Cloud Network Architecture: Tools and Techniques 

1. Cloud Provider Security Tools 

Organizations also face similar complexity when dealing with cloud security tools provided by major cloud providers to secure their environments: 

AWS Security Tools: 

  • AWS Workflow AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manage user access. 
  • Amazon GuardDuty: is a continuous security monitoring service that detects threats to your AWS environment. 
  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS): Helps create and control encryption keys for data protection. 

Azure Security Tools: 

  • Azure AD: Authentication to Azure resources and manages the identity configurations. 
  • Azure Security Center: which offers centralized security management and advanced threat protection 
  • An Azure Key Vault, which protects encryption keys and secrets. 

Google Cloud Security Tools: 

  • Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manages and secures user access to Google resources on GCP. 
  • Google Cloud Security Command Center (SCC): Centralized management for security and data vulnerabilities 
  • Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS): manages the encryption keys. 

2. Secure Your Service from a Third Party 

Cloud Security: Next to native cloud-security tools, these third-party solutions also provide an additional flavored layer of security. 

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM): The Prisma Cloud and Dome9 CSPM tools run real-time checks to identify security misconfigurations and compliance issues in the cloud environment. 

Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP): Tools like Trend Micro Deep Security and McAfee MVISION Cloud safeguard workloads from the data center to various clouds with capabilities such as malware prevention, vulnerability management, and runtime protection. 

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR): SOAR platforms such as Splunk Phantom or Demisto automate security operations to improve security incident management. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar Issues: 
  • Formatting and Phrasing: “AWS Workflow AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manage user access.” 
  • Suggestion: “AWS Security Tools include: 
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Manages user access and permissions. 
  • Amazon GuardDuty: A continuous security monitoring service that detects threats in your AWS environment. 
  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS): Helps create and control encryption keys for data protection.” 
  • Inconsistent Punctuation: “Azure Security Center: which offers centralized security management and advanced threat protection” 
  • Suggestion: “Azure Security Tools include: 
  • Azure AD: Provides authentication to Azure resources and manages identity configurations. 
  • Azure Security Center: Offers centralized security management and advanced threat protection. 
  • Azure Key Vault: Protects encryption keys and secrets.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Example: “AWS Key Management Service (KMS): Helps create and control encryption keys for data protection.” 
  • Suggestion: “AWS Key Management Service (KMS) helps organizations create and control encryption keys for data protection.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Manage” appears multiple times. 
  • Suggestion: Replace with “administer,” “control,” or “oversee” for variety. 
  • Example: “Azure AD administers authentication and identity configurations.” 
  1. Additional Examples 
  • Fragment Example: “Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS): manages the encryption keys.” 
  • Correction: “Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) manages encryption keys and secures sensitive data. 

3. Cloud Security Best Practices 

Best Practices. The best practices to set up and keep a cloud network infrastructure secure are: 

Zero Trust Architecture: The zero-trust model is fantastic. Let’s not assume anything is trusted by default in a network or outside of it. It needs to continuously verify the identities of users and devices before giving them access to resources. 

Real-Time Monitoring: This involves continuously monitoring cloud environments to identify security threats and respond accordingly, such as establishing SIEM systems and alerts for abnormal activities. 

Patch Management: Ensure software and systems have the most up-to-date security patches applied. 

Data Backup and Recovery: Using high-level Data backup image option for protecting the server files, applications, & Operating Systems so that entire backed-up data can be restored in case of any attack or file loss incident. This includes regularly scheduled testing for backup and recovery processes. 

Security Training and Awareness: It is essential to ensure employees (all users) are fully trained on best practice cloud security, making them aware of their role in maintaining the secure state. By this, I mean identifying phish and basing your secure coding practices. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Phrasing: “Best Practices. The best practices to set up and keep a cloud network infrastructure secure are:” 
  • Suggestion: “Cloud Security Best Practices to Maintain a Secure Network Infrastructure:” 
  • Style: “The zero-trust model is fantastic.” 
  • Suggestion: “Zero Trust Architecture: This model operates on the principle that nothing should be trusted by default, whether inside or outside the network. It continuously verifies the identities of users and devices before granting access to resources.” 

  Active/Passive Voice: 

  • Passive Example: “Ensure software and systems have the most up-to-date security patches applied.” 
  • Suggestion: “Organizations must apply the most up-to-date security patches to their software and systems.” 

  Overuse of Words: 

  • Word Overuse Example: “Ensure” is overused. 
  • Suggestion: Use alternatives like “guarantee,” “verify,” or “maintain.” 
  • Example: “Guarantee that all software and systems are updated with the latest security patches.” 

  Additional Examples: 

  • Fragment Example: “Zero Trust Architecture: The zero-trust model is fantastic.” 
  • Suggestion: “Zero Trust Architecture: This model mandates that nothing within a network is trusted by default, requiring continuous verification of users and devices before granting access.” 

Recent Case Study: The State of a Hybrid Cloud Protected or not? 

FinTech Solutions: This section demonstrates security considerations and tools in a case study for a hypothetical financial services company. It describes the Secure DevSecOps Model through an example of FinTech Solutions, which is based on Finance Services and has configured Hybrid Cloud. 


FinTech Solutions runs financial applications using a traditional but hybrid approach (on-premises infrastructure integrated with public cloud services). Security is one of the highest priorities for any organization that deals with sensitive financial data. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar Issues: 
  • Sentences: “FinTech Solutions: This section demonstrates security considerations and tools in a case study for a hypothetical financial services company.” 
  • Suggestion: “The case study of FinTech Solutions demonstrates key security considerations and tools for a hypothetical financial services company.” 
  • Phrasing: “It describes the Secure DevSecOps Model through an example of FinTech Solutions which is based on Finance Services and has configured Hybrid Cloud.” 
  • Suggestion: “This case study describes the Secure DevSecOps Model using FinTech Solutions as an example. FinTech Solutions is a company based in the financial services sector that has implemented a hybrid cloud configuration.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Example: “This section demonstrates security considerations and tools in a case study.” 
  • Suggestion: “This section actively explores the security considerations and tools used in a case study.” 
  • Passive Example: “It describes the Secure DevSecOps Model through an example.” 
  • Suggestion: “The study outlines the Secure DevSecOps Model using the example of FinTech Solutions.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Describes” and “demonstrates” are overused. 
  • Suggestion: Replace with “illustrates” or “explains” for variety. 
  • Example: “This section illustrates the Secure DevSecOps Model using FinTech Solutions as a case study.” 
  1. Additional Examples 
  • Fragment Example: “FinTech Solutions which is based on Finance Services and has configured Hybrid Cloud.” 
  • Suggestion: “FinTech Solutions, a financial services company, has adopted a hybrid cloud configuration to enhance its operational flexibility and security posture.” 

Security Challenges 

Ensuring confidential financial information is encrypted at rest and in transit. 

  • Access Control: Setting up the access control to prevent unauthorized entry into decisive systems. 
  • Security Best Practice: Complying with predefined standards (e.g., GDRP, PCI-DSS). 
  • Threat Detection: Anticipating possible threats and systematically reacting to them 

Security Measures Implemented 

Data Encryption: 

  • All sensitive data is encrypted in AWS KMS (Data at Rest). Transport Protection/Encryption (TLS) for Data in Transit. 
  • Encryption of on-premises data with a hardware security module (HSM) ensures that encryption keys are kept secure. 

Identity and Access Management: 

  • AWS IAM manages access to cloud resources with RBAC, ensuring the least privileged access. 
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enforced for all administrative access. 
  • Federated identity management integrates with the company’s Active Directory for seamless user management. 

Network Security: 

AWS – Create a VPC with security groups and network ACLs controlling traffic. 

AWS Web Application Firewall (WIG): safeguards applications against common exploits. 

On-premises firewall and VPN solutions safeguard the connection between on-premises and cloud environments. 

Threat Detection & Incident Response 

  • AWS GuardDuty looks for potentially malicious activities on running instances and alerts the security team about them. 
  • SIEM system pulls logs from on-premises and cloud environments to detect a threat in real-time. 
  • Elastic SOC uses automated incident response workflows to isolate compromised instances and notify the proper stakeholders. 

Compliance and Governance: 

  • AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config are used regularly for auditing activities from a regulatory perspective. 
  • Automated compliance management tools monitor status and report evidence to support regulatory audits. 
  • The security policies and procedures are aligned with the NIST cybersecurity framework. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Thoughts: Bullet points are written as fragments. 
  • Suggestion: “Ensuring confidential financial information is encrypted both at rest and in transit is critical.” 
  • Suggestion: “Access Control involves setting up measures to prevent unauthorized entry into critical systems.” 
  • Formatting: “Transport Protection/Encryption (TLS) for Data in Transit.” 
  • Suggestion: “Data in transit is protected through Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption protocols.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Example: “All sensitive data is encrypted in AWS KMS (Data at Rest).” 
  • Suggestion: “AWS KMS encrypts all sensitive data at rest.” 
  • Passive Example: “Encryption of on-premises data with a hardware security module (HSM) ensures that encryption keys are kept secure.” 
  • Suggestion: “A hardware security module (HSM) encrypts on-premises data, ensuring encryption keys remain secure.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Ensure” is overused in the context of security measures. 
  • Suggestion: Replace with “guarantee” or “safeguard” for variety. 
  • Example: “MFA safeguards all administrative access.” 
  1. Additional Examples 
  • Fragment Example: “Threat Detection: Anticipating possible threats and systematically reacting to them.” 
  • Suggestion: “Threat Detection involves anticipating potential security threats and responding systematically to mitigate their impact.” 


By securing these properties, FinTech Solutions significantly reduces the threat of security, complies with regulations, and maintains customer confidence. These advantages allow the company to grow and innovate in this hybrid cloud environment. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 
  • Clarity: “By securing these properties FinTech Solutions significantly reduces the threat of security complies with regulations and maintains customer confidence.” 
  • Suggestion: “By securing its infrastructure, FinTech Solutions significantly reduces security threats, complies with regulatory standards, and maintains customer confidence.” 
  • Run-on Sentence: “These advantages allow the company to grow and innovate in this hybrid cloud environment.” 
  • Suggestion: “These security measures provide a foundation for growth and innovation within a secure hybrid cloud environment.” 
  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Example: “By securing these properties FinTech Solutions significantly reduces the threat of security.” 
  • Suggestion: “FinTech Solutions enhances security by securing its cloud properties, thereby reducing threats.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Securing” and “reduce” are overused. 
  • Suggestion: Use synonyms such as “protecting” or “mitigating.” 
  • Example: “By protecting its cloud environment, FinTech Solutions mitigates security risks.” 
  1. Additional Examples 
  • Fragment Example: “These advantages allow the company to grow and innovate in this hybrid cloud environment.” 
  • Correction: “These enhanced security measures enable the company to grow and foster innovation within its hybrid cloud environment, maintaining a competitive edge in the financial services industry.” 

Securing your cloud network architecture is like an onion with many layers, so you must approach it similarly. On the other hand, organizations must also ensure their data and network infrastructure by monitoring for threats in real-time while enabling compliance with specific regulations. Businesses need to implement best practices and native cloud security tools in combination with third-party solutions capable of providing a secure, resilient, and well-managed cloud environment. 

Suggested Changes: 

  1. Grammar: 

        Mixed Metaphors and Clarity: “Securing your cloud network architecture is like an onion with many layers so you must approach it similarly.” 

        Suggestion: “Securing your cloud network architecture requires a layered approach, much like peeling back the layers of an onion.” 

        Run-on Sentence: “On the other hand organizations must also ensure their data and network infrastructure by monitoring for threats in real-time while enabling compliance with specific regulations.” 

        Suggestion: “Additionally, organizations must continuously monitor their data and network infrastructure for real-time threats while ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.” 

  1. Active/Passive Voice: 
  • Passive Example: “Organizations must also ensure their data and network infrastructure by monitoring for threats in real-time while enabling compliance with specific regulations.” 
  • Suggestion: “Organizations should actively monitor their data and network infrastructure in real-time to detect threats and ensure compliance with regulations.” 
  1. Overuse of Words: 
  • Word Overuse Example: “Ensure” is used repetitively. 
  • Suggestion: Use alternatives like “guarantee,” “maintain,” or “verify” to avoid redundancy. 
  • Example: “Organizations must guarantee continuous monitoring of their data and network infrastructure to detect threats promptly and maintain compliance with regulations.” 
  1. Additional Examples 
  • Fragment Example: “On the other hand organizations must also ensure their data and network infrastructure by monitoring for threats in real-time while enabling compliance with specific regulations.” 
  • Suggestion: “Conversely, organizations need to guarantee their data and network security by implementing real-time threat monitoring systems and adhering strictly to industry regulations.” 

Given the prevalence of the cloud and how it will only become more widespread in our organizations, monitoring security trends moving forward and continually iterating on tightening up your game will be vital to protecting that shiny new next-gen cloud network stack from whatever threats are out there. 

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We welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help your firm achieve its goals and improve its bottom line.   

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