Why Every Business Needs an Enterprise Information Management System

Did you know that the amount of enterprise-level data is growing at a staggering rate of 30 to 40% every year? 

If the volume of data your company needs to collect, process, store, protect and manage overwhelms you, you’re not alone. Having a process and system in place to
manage such an influx of data is no longer an option for today’s businesses.

Gartner predicts that 75% of organizations that use an Enterprise Information Management (EIM) system to align, link, and leverage their data will be able to substantially improve their business outcomes.

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    Data Mapping: A Key Step to Staying Compliant with Data Security Regulations

    Data security, data integrity, and data privacy are key concerns for today’s businesses. In particular, the GDPR in the EU and CCPA in California mandate organizations to take the necessary measures to protect data at inception, in motion, and at rest.

    Securing your data not only protects your customers’ information but also helps you avoid hefty penalties. For instance, GDPR fines are rising exponentially (up to 10 million euros), and CCPA penalties aren’t far behind.

    But how can you be sure that all your data is fully protected at all times? Are you assuming that your data is protected, or do you know for certain that everything in your system is airtight? What can you do to take the guesswork out of the data management process?

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      Accurate Decision Making with Data Driven Insights

      Insights that are data driven can give a business a decision-making advantage for improvements. With information and observations that are given, it allows strategic tactics and actions to be formed. According to Google, highly data-driven organizations are three times more likely to report significant improvement in decision-making.
      Meanwhile, these companies are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times more likely to retain customers, and 19 times more likely to be profitable. In addition, insight-driven businesses are growing at an average of over 30% annually and are projected to take $1.8 trillion per year from their less-informed competitors by 2021.


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        The Reason Your Digital Transformation Progress Is Stalling Could Be You

        The Reason Your Digital Transformation Progress Is Stalling Could Be You - iBridge
        Although as many as 93% of IT leaders indicate that their organizations are implementing a digital transformation, 42% of them also say that they’re struggling to achieve the desired results. Many of these initiatives are behind schedule, while others are completely stalled. The level of success you achieve with a digital transformation initiative often depends on your employees’ performance, which, in turn, depends on how the organization’s leadership interacts with and guides their IT and operational teams throughout the process.

        Successful digital transformation leaders know when to tap into the right expert knowledge and outsource experience to help them achieve their goals. By working with industry experts, you can access the best resources to help you design and implement an effective digital transformation strategy tailored to your organization’s needs and strategies vision.


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          The Importance of Mobile-First Thinking

          The Importance of Mobile-First Thinking - iBridge
          An essential goal of any digital transformation (DX) strategy is to improve customer experience across all channels. As more consumers are interacting with brands, researching products, and making purchases online using their mobile devices, it’s vital for companies to adopt a mobile-first approach to their DX initiatives.

          Not only online merchants need to consider their mobile experience. Seventy-seven percent of US consumers use their mobile devices to compare in-store prices, and 71% of in the store shoppers indicate that their mobile devices are important to their shopping experience. Meanwhile, 70% of B2B buyers have increased their mobile usage, and 51% are more likely to make a purchase from a mobile-friendly site.


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            Should You Hop on the Blockchain Bandwagon?

            Should You Hop on the Blockchain Bandwagon - iBridge

            While Bitcoin is the poster child of blockchain, the technology goes beyond cryptocurrency. Blockchain refers to an all-encompassing technology that creates a digital ledger. It does so by integrating data from various platforms and enabling independent parties from all over the world to share data across a network.

            Critical tools used in business operations (e.g., contracts and transaction records) and the bureaucracies formed to manage them are lagging behind in today’s business environment where digital tools have changed the pace and expectations of how things are done.
            Blockchain is becoming a vital component of digital transformation by increasing the speed and cost-efficiency of many essential business operations. We look at how organizations are leveraging blockchain technology.

            Download our free white paper by filling out the form below and you and your organization will be ahead of the game when the transition is completely implemented. If we can assist you, please send us an email at info@ibridgellc.com.

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              Rethinking the Survey

              Rethinking the Survey - iBridge

              We are all familiar with surveys. We have taken countless numbers of them in our lifetime, from the types of toothpaste we like to whether or not we will buy a product again. These surveys report the percentage of responses. The percentages are just that — the percent of people who gave an answer. But what does that mean? This lack of clarity underlies why many organizations are hiring data analysts and deploying advanced analytic software.

              If your survey was about your conference, questions likely inquired as to the number of people planning on future attendance, who found the conference engaging, or how many liked the food, and so on. Sound familiar?

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                Protect Your Data While WFH

                Protect Your Data While WFH - iBridge
                Businesses face crossroads when emerging technologies achieve critical market adoption. Companies that don’t have the strategies in place to embrace technological market changes have shown to suffer negative consequences.

                Two major examples are the rise of the internet in the mid-2000s and the advance in mobile technologies a decade later. Organizations that failed to implement internet marketing and commerce lost significant market share. The same happened in the mid-2010s when everything needed to be mobile-first—otherwise, a brand could easily lose half of its audience.


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                  Have You Thought About Your AI Strategy?

                  Have You Thought About Your Ai Strategy - iBridge
                  Businesses face crossroads when emerging technologies achieve critical market adoption. Companies that don’t have the strategies in place to embrace technological market changes have shown to suffer negative consequences.

                  Two major examples are the rise of the internet in the mid-2000s and the advance in mobile technologies a decade later. Organizations that failed to implement internet marketing and commerce lost significant market share. The same happened in the mid-2010s when everything needed to be mobile-first—otherwise, a brand could easily lose half of its audience.


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                    Don’t Get Left Behind

                    Don't Get Left Behind - iBridge
                    In today’s fast-evolving business environment, the ability to leverage the right digital technologies is the key to success for organizations of any size. “Digital Transformation” is now the foremost focus for many companies—70% either have a digital transformation strategy in place or are working on one.

                    Most organizations realize they will struggle to thrive in this economy if they fail to implement a digital-first business strategy. However, many face challenges involving foresight, cost, implementation, and technological capabilities. Without a clear transformation roadmap and requirements, an organization cannot maximize the ROI of their digital transformation efforts.


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